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Diverse. Inclusive. Discrete.

Long before it became fashionable, and without needing a “DEI Initiative” Plantation Bay already practiced inclusivity and tolerance in its hiring, compensation, and promotion opportunities. Females occupy over half of senior management positions, and there is absolutely no discrimination against anyone on grounds of sexual preference or identity.

The same attitude extends to our guests. We do our best to make everyone feel welcome and to accommodate all reasonable requests, so long as equal respect is shown to others. If you’re planning a same-sex wedding or just a romantic getaway, we’re the resort for you, and we will proactively defend your rights against intolerance or boorishness.

For the comfort and privacy of guests who identify with a sex different from their birth sex, Plantation Bay has built or designated Flexible-Gender toilets in several parts of the resort — Alpine Lounge (adjacent to lobby); Route 66 American Diner; and Fiji Restaurant.

At the same time, prospective employees or guests should note that Plantation Bay has never been Woke, either. In our view, sexual preference and identity are private matters, like spiritual beliefs, and not a basis for social campaigns or badges to be flaunted and worn on a sleeve. If you identify as “he” or “she” we will respect your preference and call you Miss or Mister as you request. But we will not learn unusual pronoun usages, any more than we would accommodate a guest who demands to be called “your holiness” because he imagines himself to be the Pope.

Now that we’ve got that clear, what can we show you?

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