Aqua Rides
At Plantation Bay you’ll never run out of ways to ride in, on, or over the water in style. Motorboats, outrigger, inter-island cruises, jetskis, water-skiing, banana boats, parasailing.
Pools, Slides, and Much More
Plantation Bay is a symphony in water, with enough water features to keep most families happy for days on end. Four freshwater pools of outstanding design; water-slides; mist-caves; whirlpools; volcano fountains; bubble-benches; rainmakers; waterfalls of every size; and 2.3 hectares of saltwater lagoons for unlimited cavorting.
Other Sports
And if you still have the time (and the strength), try these: archery, wall-climbing, golf pitch-and-putt, tennis (clay court), beach volleyball. . .
For serious golfers, we’ll be happy to arrange a round of golf at either of two local golf courses (20 minutes to a nearby course, about 1.5 hours to either of two challenging ones).
Bird Watching
Venture out of your room and go on a wildlife adventure without leaving the resort. Just equip yourself with our field guide and binoculars (available at the Gameroom) and your camera, and discover the joy of birding.
Click here to view the bird species found at Plantation Bay.
Children’s Activities
In case your children ever leave the water, there’s still lots more for them to do – fishing for real live garoupa (almost a sure thing), fish-feeding, boat-racing, sand-castle building, face and T-shirt painting, and many organized children’s activities.
For your peace of mind, Plantation Bay has a nurse on duty from 6am to 10pm, and a doctor on call. We are a 10-minute drive from a community hospital.
Botanical Tour
If your kids misbehaved, don’t give them a time-out. Instead, make them take our Botanical Tour. (Better join them.) It’s a fun way to kill an hour while learning really useful stuff about poisonous plants, ghostly fragrances, and the mysterious way bamboo clones all die at the same time regardless of where they are in the world.

Name-Game Quiz
Tour the hotel and read all the building signs from A to Z. You’ll learn a lot of trivia and fun facts along the way. Bring the quiz sheet and answer as you go. Whenever you’re ready, see Mike or Ariel in Recreation to have your Quiz graded.
Top Prize for Perfect Score: something nice to take home. Second Prize, for at least 14 out of 27: something good to eat. Consolation for Trying (we must be satisfied you tried): a beer or soft drink for everyone in your room, up to 4.

Jello-Man Multithlon
The Olympic Pentathlon is a 5-event competition which tests skill needed by the 19th Century equivalent of Special Forces commandos. It involves swimming, running, horseback-riding, pistol-shooting and fencing. The Plantation Bay Resort & Spa Jello-Man Multithlon is a 12-event act of insanity, which tests the skill of 21st Century men and women in surviving the rigors of a holiday at one of the world’s most distinctive resorts. Visit Gameroom.