Guest Ratings

Exceptional Guest Satisfaction

Exceptional Guest Satisfaction

When was the last time you filled out a guest comment form at a hotel? When was the last time you felt moved to leave a complimentary note about your stay?

We get almost 100,000 visitors a year, and they are virtually unanimous in calling Plantation Bay one of the best hotels they have ever stayed in. Few hotels, at any price, enjoy this kind of guest satisfaction. And our guest roster includes families, couples, business-persons, retirees, singles, divers - ALL kinds of travelers co-exist happily at Plantation Bay.

And remember, tipping is prohibited throughout the resort. We give all our guests the highest standard of service, without their ever having to worry about when, whom, or how much to tip.

Guest Comments Summary

Whole Year 2023
Please Rate Very Good Acceptable Deficient Pretty Bad
Ambience, Look, and "Feel" of the Hotel 1246 105 10 1
Reservations, check- in, check-out 1123 165 31 24
Quality of Room and Hotel Facilities 1076 224 42 8
Quality of Food and Dining Areas 967 305 41 15
Quality of Service Throughout the Hotel 1183 137 23 6
Overall Level of Satisfaction 1100 193 24 7
Whole Year 2024
Please Rate Very Good Acceptable Deficient Pretty Bad
Ambience, Look, and "Feel" of the Hotel 9867145
Reservations, check- in, check-out 919111109
Quality of Room and Hotel Facilities 8511692714
Quality of Food and Dining Areas 7422244718
Quality of Service Throughout the Hotel 925109146
Overall Level of Satisfaction 895133118